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Success Stories

Success Stories

Weight loss surgery offers real hope for seriously obese patients who have experienced little to no success with diet, exercise and behavior modification. Phoebe Bariatrics is changing lives by helping patients lose the weight and live healthier, happier lives. See for yourself with these amazing success stories.*The results may vary patient to patient or person to person.

Mary Ann - Lost 130 lbs Post Surgery

Weight loss surgery is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. My pre-surgery weight was 301 pounds. I am currently 171 pounds.

I am almost two years out and I have never felt better both physically and emotionally. My energy level is incredible and my knee pain is non-existent.

I am a nurse and I love having the chance to talk with everyone about my surgery and how wonderful I feel!”


Eboni - Lost 135 lbs Post Surgery

Prior to her gastric sleeve surgery, Eboni was on multiple medications to manage her blood pressure and acid reflux. She was also plagued with knee problems which limited her activity and left her feeling tired most of the time.

“Just a month after my surgery I was able to get off the two blood pressure medicines I’d been taking. In total, I’ve lost 135 pounds and feel GREAT.”

“I’m active now and ride my bike. The “old Eboni.” as I refer to my previous self when weighing nearly 300 pounds, could never have ridden a bike 5 miles.

By far, my most exciting feat is being able to actually enjoy wearing a swimsuit again.”


Tina - Lost 131 lbs Post Surgery

Tina’s bout with an illness and injury resulted in a yearlong confinement to crutches and an aircast boot. Consequent physical inactivity brought her weight to an unhealthy excess of more than 100 pounds. Frustrated with the limitations and discomfort the weight placed on her life, Tina made a decisive move to get back to the life she longed to enjoy.  

Gastric sleeve bypass surgery allowed Tina to return to a life she previously could only imagine. “11 months post-surgery, I was 131 pounds lighter, healthier and happier. Weight-loss helped me completely eliminate the need for medicine to manage my  blood pressure, acid reflux and menacing pain in my joints.” In addition, Tina is no longer considered pre-diabetic, her cholesterol and triglycerides are at a healthy level and she’s no longer struggling to walk.

While achieving better overall health is a monumental reward, Tina regards her greatest achievement as now being able to actively participate in her and her granddaughter’s shared passion -- working with horses. Prior to her surgery, it was difficult for Tina to attend the horse shows much less actually lead her granddaughter into the chute and cheer her on!”

Page - Lost 120 lbs Post Surgery

"I have a friend who had the Lap-Band over seven years ago and she just really impressed me and made me want to go through with something. So I decided to have surgery because of my health mostly and the way that I looked and the way that I felt.

The procedure was actually fun for me because I looked forward to what I was going to feel like later. There was nothing that I could think of other than happiness and excitment and just couldn't wait to do it.

So now my 15 year old daughter's friends are giving me compliments on how nice I look and my four and five year old just say momma your not fat anymore!

I just regret that I didn't do this sooner."

Amzie - Lost 93 lbs Post Surgery

"My name is Amzie and I had the gastric sleeve surgery done. I had been looking into bariatric surgery for over six months before I actually had the procedure done.

I went to the doctor, they told me that I had bad knees, I was pre-diabetic, I had hypertension. I just decided I didn't want to die young and I knew that this would change my life.

Following the surgery I walk, I can bicycle, I can swim; I have a tremendous amount of energy! This has changed my life. I have gone from sedentary and not as happy to a very active person and my bubbly personality is back.

I would have this surgery again tomorrow knowing everything I know because it truly has changed my life. It is the greatest gift I have given myself other than marriage and my children."


Elicia - Lost 67 lbs Post Surgery

My name is Elicia; I am now a single mother of one child. I am 42 years old and have struggled with my weight my whole life.

As a child I lived with my grandmother, who worked so we ate out a lot. I went from a small child to a fat kid, all in one year. My life as I knew it had begun, I would yo-yo diet the rest of my life.

I was on prescription medication for weight loss. I bought all the over-the-counter pill diets and schemes and nothing would work permanently until I meet the bariatric group at Phoebe. At my heaviest I was 297 lbs. I am 5'5" so I looked as wide as I did tall. I had health issues, and no sign of getting any better. With a family history of health issues, I was doomed to die at an early age.

I knew I had to do something for myself, for my health, and for my son. I wanted to be here to see him grow up, and become a man and live his life. So I started my journey by going to see my private doctor. They then referred me to Phoebe.

After my first visit, during my consultation, I knew this is where I belonged. Everybody was so nice, understanding and took time to answer all the questions I had. Dr. Sean Sheff, unlike most doctors, sat with me over 45 minutes! That sold me. They are my best friends through this journey. They walk you through every step.

I had to lose weight before the surgery, and you lose weight during the liver shrinking diet, so by surgery date I weighed in at 267 lbs., 30 pounds down in six months. I was sleeved on August 27, 2014 and I have lost a total of 67 pounds since surgery. I am now 200 pounds. My goal is a size 12 and I hope to be about 150 pounds. With the continued support of friends and my new family at Phoebe, I will reach my goal. You will too! This was the best gift I gave to myself; thank you Phoebe for giving me my life back.


Shannon - Lost 130 lbs Post Surgery

I came to the realization that there's only one shot at this life. I can either enjoy the ride, live life to its fullest and to my highest potential or stay the way I am. I decided staying the way I am is not living to the fullest, so I chose to change with the gastric sleeve, best decision of my life!

I was 27 years old in November 2013 with two small children at home. I was working full-time as a project manager/clinical analyst and I weighed 285 lbs. I have struggled with weight my entire life. I’ve tried diets, pills and shakes and I would lose a quick 30 lbs., but it would come back along with some extra. I could never keep the weight off.

I had enough! I found myself looking in the mirror wondering where the happy, loving person that I once was had gone, and when this overweight unhappy person took over my life. I looked in my kid’s eyes and knew I did not want to be the mom who had to sit on the bench and just watch as they played. I wanted to be the mom who was outside running and playing with them and enjoying my life and their life to the fullest. It was then that I decided to start making changes.

Knowing my track record with diets, diet pills and such, I decided to explore the idea of weight loss surgery. It was not a decision that I made overnight, but a decision I pondered for months. Every day I would do hours of research on weight loss surgery and the benefits and risks of each type. I attended a seminar in November, offered through Phoebe Bariatric -Americus. After that seminar I knew the surgery I wanted to have was the gastric sleeve. I then turned my research to the gastric sleeve procedure and I made sure when I went in and talked to my surgeon that I knew the questions I wanted to ask, and that I had done my research so I was 100 percent set on my decision.

When I first told my daughter I was going to have weight loss surgery she cried. When I asked her why she was crying she said, “I don’t want you skinny; I love you just like you are.” I responded telling my daughter that I loved her too and I wanted to be around for a long time, and mommy was doing this to become a healthier person who could run and play with her and not just sit and watch. I knew I had to do this to save my life and I wanted to be me again.

I had my surgery March 2014. The time between that November and March date seemed to take forever to arrive, but during my wait I researched what to do and not to do after surgery. I was given a book from the surgical office and it became my Bariatric Bible. By the time the surgery date came I could tell you what that book said from memory! I knew this was my last chance to be me again, which meant I was going to be a success and there was no option for failure - no turning back, I wanted my life back.

My Life Forever Positively Changed

My surgery was amazing, it took one hour to complete. I made sure I stuck to the pre-op diet so I would not have any issues during surgery. I was in the hospital for two days after surgery and was up walking the same day of the procedure. I never let myself stay in that bed; I would walk those floors until I couldn’t walk them anymore. I went home with a positive attitude and continued my daily walks. I followed my Bariatric Bible on what I could and could not eat, and there were days I wanted real food, but I stuck it out and was always so proud of myself.

Quick Facts...

Before Surgery: Weight - 285 lbs. | Pants Size- 24-26 | Shirt Size- 3x-4x
Current: Weight - 150 lbs.

I am currently 18 months out and weigh 150 lbs. and 130 lbs. gone forever! I can now run and play with my kids. My son told my daughter, “look mom is running, lets race her on our bikes!” I was tickled that I could actually make these sweet memories with my kids, that before I couldn’t even dream of.

March 19, 2014 my life changed forever, I have had my struggles and learning new ways of eating and living, but I can honestly say this is the best decision I have ever made in my life. I have been asked several times would I do it over again if I had to and the answer is YES! 100 percent! Just being able to play with my children has given me my life back.


Lorene - Lost 125 lbs Post Surgery


“I literally lost a whole person. Now instead of sitting under a tree watching my grandchildren play, I can actually join them in their activities. I have been kayaking and just have a renewed spirit and zest for life.

“I definitely would encourage people to look into it. I really didn’t know how bad I was feeling until I had the surgery. My life is totally different and it is a feeling I really can’t explain.”

For more information...

Contact Ashley Austin, DNP at 229-931-1152 or e-mail