CONSTRUCTION Updates at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital

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Patients have the right

  • To have impartial access to high quality care.
  • To have considerate care provided with respect, dignity and privacy and with
  • regard to their personal values, cultures and beliefs.
  • To expect that the patient and family members participate in health care
  • decisions and that Advance Directives will be honored within the limits of the
  • law and the organization's mission, philosophy and capabilities.
  • To be assured of confidentiality of his/her medical record.
  • To be advised of their diagnosis, treatment and progress.
  • To have informed participation in decisions regarding their care and end-of-life
  • issues.
  • To participate in ethical questions which may arise in the course of his or her care; to request a consult, including one with the Ethics Committee.
  • To refuse treatment.
  • To have a family member or representative of his/her choice or own physician
  • notified promptly of his/her admission.
  • To have a representative to exercise these rights when he/she is unable to do
  • so for him/her self.
  • To expect to be cared for by qualified personnel.
  • To expect that the hospital will take reasonable steps to maintain a safe
  • environment, including the physical environment as well as any equipment used
  • in connection with the treatment of the patient.
  • To effective communication which leads to understanding.
  • To have their concerns or complaints addressed within a reasonable time and
  • resolved when possible.
  • To pastoral counseling.
  • To access information contained in his/her clinical records within a reasonable time frame.
  • To be free from seclusion or restraints of any form that are not medically
  • necessary to promote healing or protect individual from harming self or others.
  • To be free from all forms of abuse and/or harassment.
  • To access protective services if needed.
  • To have their pain appropriately assessed and managed.
  • To file or know who to contact to file a complaint or grievance.
  • To be cared for by staff educated about patient rights and their role in
  • supporting those rights.
  • To request to see a copy of the hospital's "Code of Ethical Behavior" policy.

Patients have the Responsibility

  • To follow hospital rules and regulations regarding patient care and conduct.
  • To be considerate of the rights of others.
  • To provide accurate and complete health care information.
  • To indicate whether he/she understands the contemplated plan of medical and
  • nursing management and the kind of compliance expected of him/her.
  • To follow the treatment plan recommended by the doctor or staff or to take
  • responsibility for action if he/she refuses treatment or does not comply with the
  • plan of treatment.
  • To report pain and the results of pain management.
  • To be accountable for financial responsibilities.