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Cancer Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies designed with the goal of discovering better methods to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. Participants have the opportunity to receive new treatments before they are widely available. Clinical trials test many types of treatments, such as new drugs, new surgical techniques, or new treatment options. Trials are an essential component of cancer research and care. 

Clinical Trials at Phoebe

Clinical trials are a great way for patients to get access to new, cutting-edge treatments. They are available for cancer patients who are eligible and wish to participate. The decision to participate in a clinical trial is a very personal one and depends on many factors, including the benefits and risks of the study and what the patient hopes to achieve by participating.

To learn more about clinical trials at Phoebe, call 229-312-0405.

The clinical trials that Phoebe provides are the following:

We are currently running several clinical trials for various types of cancer in cooperation with a number of organizations that sponsor our trials. These include the National Cancer Institute and pharmaceutical supported clinical trials.

  • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Renal Cell Cancer
  • Hematology / Blood Cancer
  • Pending Clinical Trials

For more information about clinical trials, call: 229-312-0405

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Phases of Clinical Trials

A new treatment goes through many phases, and each phase has a different purpose. Most of the time, when you participate in a clinical trial, you will only be in one phase - treatments move through the phases, but patients do not.

Phase I - Safety

Phase I trials test if a new treatment is safe. Doctors look for the best way to give treatment.

Phase II - Effectiveness

Phase II trials test if a specific type of cancer responds to the new treatment.

Phase III - New Treatment

Phase III trials test if a new treatment is better than a standard cancer treatment.

Phase IV - Benefits

Phase IV trials find more information about long-term benefits and side effects.






How am I protected?

Our trials are monitored by a committee of doctors, nurses and local community leaders called an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that participants' rights are protected and FDA mandates are met.

Informed Consent
The FDA requires that you are given complete information about any clinical trial that you are participating in or about to take part in. Note: Informed consent is not a contract and that you retain the right to leave the clinical trial at any time.

The consent form should include:

  • The type of study 
  • The drug or device used in the trial 
  • The risk and benefits associated with the trial 
  • Other alternative treatments 
  • Additional tests that may be required

A Protocol
Phoebe Cancer Center is dedicated to protecting patients in clinical trials by following well-planned protocols. All clinical trials are based upon a study plan called a protocol. Designed with great care, the plan helps to ensure the safety of the participants and answer specific research questions. A protocol details the specifics of the study: who can participate, different procedures, test schedules, medications and dosages, and the length of the study.