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Cancers Diagnosed at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in 2016

Statistical Summary of Cancer Data

Statistical Summary of Cancer Data In 2016, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital diagnosed and/or treated 1321 newly diagnosed cancers. An additional 160 non-analytic cases were seen, including recurrent cancers previously diagnosed and treated elsewhere and cases reviewed at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital by pathology examination only, for a total annual caseload of 1481.

2014 and 2015 show a consistent trend of cancer cases with an upward increase in non-analytic cases for 2016. Graph A

The class distribution demonstrates majority of cases which 62% that are diagnosed at Phoebe, all or part of first course treatment at Phoebe. Graph B

The top five sites for 2016 include the kidney, prostate, breast, lung, and colon/rectum. Graph C

The Distribution by Gender and Age for 2016 exhibits that a higher incidence for the diagnosis of cancer is in the 60-69 age with 58% of the male population and 42% of the female population. Graph D

The AJCC Stage Group at Diagnosis demonstrates the top three Stage groups are Stage 1 at 22%, Stage 2 with 21% and Stage 4 with 20%. Graph E

The Distribution by Payer for 2016 shows that the majority of the patient population is Medicare insurance. Graph F

Distribution by county shows that the majority of patient seen reside in Dougherty County. Graph G

Data provided by the Tumor Registry at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital.