TRAFFIC Detours and Parking Updates around Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital

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Employee Giving through PEACH

Every person working at Phoebe Sumter, from the operating rooms to groundskeeping, is considered to be a part of the Phoebe Sumter healing team. From the instant they walk through the front door, visitors can tell Phoebe Sumter isn’t a typical hospital and the Phoebe Family isn’t typical caregivers.

Previously, employee contributions have helped to build the Mattie H. Marshall cross country trail that both a short wellness trail (quarter-mile loop) near the hospital and a large event space and longer cross country trail (one-mile loop) for use by the Phoebe Sumter employees and visitors and the community. 

Phoebe Family contributions to PEACH are allocated as follows:
  • 90 % to Building Our Future: fulfilling greatest & highest needs for our patients and campus
  • 7% to Employee aid
  • 3% to Disaster aid

Donations are usually through payroll deduction, and are a reflection of the care and concern of the members of the Phoebe Sumter family for our patients, our community and each other.