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Meet Mitchell - Phoebe Foundation CMN Feature

Meet Mitchell

“This boy is truly a little miracle!”

Mitchell Ryan Bland was born at 34 weeks and six days. When he was born his lungs were not yet fully developed and he was having trouble breathing. Mitchell was transferred to the NICU, and his mother, Anna, was separated from him for a day because of her health and high blood pressure. When Anna walked into the NICU to see Mitchell, he was hooked up to many machines and had a feeding tube. Two days later, Anna was sent home without Mitchell. He wasn't eating or breathing well, and had high blood pressure and Jaundice. Anna went to the NICU every single day and spent hours with him. If it weren't for the awesome, loving and caring nurses keeping Anna up to date, she knows she wouldn’t have been able to leave the hospital at all. After a week and a half Mitchell was transferred to NICU II, and then sent home a few days later.

After Mitchell was sent home he saw a nephrologist and cardiologist to keep up with his blood pressure. Mitchell was three months old when his doctor noticed he had a hernia. A few days later Mitchell was given an appointment with his surgeon and they scheduled surgery. His surgery went as planned and he was feeling much better afterwards. A few months later Anna noticed Mitchell’s anterior fontanelle (soft spot on top of his head) was very swollen. Anna showed it to her parents and sister, who are all in the medical field, and they told her she needed to get it checked out. After CT-scans and X-rays, the doctor called and confirmed that Mitchell had Hydrocephalus. Mitchell was referred to a neurologist and the entire family was very nervous to find out what the next step was going to be. After Mitchell was put to sleep for an MRI, the family met with the neurosurgeon and he decided Mitchell needed a VP shunt put in, which helps drain the excess spinal fluid into his stomach. Mitchell had the surgery at just six months old, and it went very well with no complications. After spending a week in the hospital, Mitchell was released and sent home.

       Mitchell now sees a neurosurgeon yearly. Besides occasional bad headaches, you would never know Mitchell has health complications. This boy is truly a little miracle. Mitchell’s parents are so thankful for all the nurses, doctors, and the good Lord for helping keep their son safe.

For more information, call Phoebe Foundation at 229-312-4483 or toll-free at 877-312-4483. You can also email Phoebe Foundation at